Can the BPO Industry Make a Tangible Difference to Unemployment?

Whilst countries such as Australia achieved their lowest unemployment rate in the past five decades atjust 3.5% in December 2022, the scourge of unemployment, particularly youth unemployment,continues unabated in South Africa, which has the highest unemployment rate globally. Opportunitiesfor meaningful unemployment for women and people with disabilities are even more dismal and theoverall unemployment figure […]

Kuruman learnerships provide life-changing skills and opportunities

Kuruman residents Victor Tshekedi and Mathapelo Seichokelo both live with disabilities.Consequently, they have found it impossible to obtain ongoing work and up until six monthsago, they had both given up hope of ever being able to support themselves or their families. However, all of that changed as a result of an innovative learnership solution provided […]

EduPower Bets on BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) to Close Skills Gap

Did you know South Africa’s economic sector faces the struggle of a high youthunemployment rate? In the second quarter of 2022 the official unemployment rate sat at37%, majorly impacting South African women, with almost half of all women (47%) inthe country being economically inactive. Through ambitious and innovative business practices, EduPower Skills Academy bringsan entire […]

Are B-BBEE consultants leaders or followers?

B-BBEE Consulting and its role in Transformation and Empowerment B-BBEE consulting is becoming a profession sometimes practiced on its own or as an item in a broader consulting service. Either way since the B-BBEE legislation amendment of 2013 became more technically complex it required some level of expertise which was initially not present within most […]

B-BBEE through the backdoor, is this the end of transformation ‘work-arounds’

The changing face of B-BBEE practices Black Economic Empowerment legislation has been with us since 2003 but initially it was narrow in its transformation focus with a few black people, particularly the politically connected, taking advantage and becoming very wealthy, but the majority of black people did not benefit at all. Contents Is Broad- Based […]

How do we know we are really doing the right thing?

The Morality of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Practices B-BBEE has become a political football being booted about the playing field of our collective political and moral conscience.   Is B-BBEE legislative intent about narrow scorecard compliance or is there some deeper moral obligation incumbent on all of society to build a more just, equitable and […]

Raising B-BBEE to a higher standard

Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment(B-BBEE) and the Development of Sustainable Employment Creation Unemployment is one of the triumvirate of scourges that plagues our nation together with inequality and poverty. The lockdown has just contributed to a massive deterioration in all three scourges.   We know that if we address unemployment effectively, inequality and poverty also decline. Broad- […]